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63. An Injectable Hyaluronan–Methylcellulose (HAMC) Hydrogel Combined with Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (WJ-MSCs) Promotes Degenerative Disc Repair Un Yong Choi, Hari Prasad Joshi, Samantha Payne, Kyoung Tae Kim, Jae Won Kyung, Hyemin Choi, Michael J Cooke, Su Yeon Kwon, Eun Ji Roh, Seil Sohn, Molly S Shoichet, Inbo Han  International journal of molecular sciences 21 (19), 7391  IF 4.556

62. Safety and Tolerability of Stromal Vascular Fraction Combined with β-Tricalcium Phosphate in Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Phase I Clinical Trial  Un Yong Choi, Kyoung-Tae Kim, Kwang Gi Kim, Sang Heon Lim, Young Jae Kim, Seil Sohn, Seung Hun Sheen, Chan Yeong Heo, Inbo Han Cells 9 (10), 2250

61. Resolvin D3 Promotes Inflammatory Resolution, Neuroprotection, and Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury Juri Kim, Hari Prasad Joshi, Seung Hun Sheen, Kyoung-Tae Kim, Jae Won Kyung, Hyemin Choi, Ye Won Kim, Su Yeon Kwon, Eun Ji Roh, Un Yong Choi, Seil Sohn, Yong Ho Kim, Chul-Kyu Park, Hemant Kumar, In-Bo Han Molecular Neurobiology 2020/9/22  1-15 IF 4.586

60. Combined Treatment with Fasudil and Menthol Improves Functional Recovery in Rat Spinal Cord Injury Model JeongHoon Kim, Hari Prasad Joshi, Kyoung-Tae Kim, Yi Young Kim, Keundong Yeo, Hyemin Choi, Ye Won Kim, Un-Yong Choi, Hemant Kumar, Seil Sohn, Dong Ah Shin, In-Bo Han Biomedicines 8 (8), 258 IF 4.717

59.  Injectable Hydrogel Containing Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid for Anti-Inflammatory Therapy after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats Gong Ho Han, Seong Jun Kim, Wan-Kyu Ko, Jae Seo Lee, Haram Nah, In-Bo Han, Seil Sohn Molecular Neurobiology IF 4.586

58. Therapeutic Potential of Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid for the Treatment of Osteoporosis. Ahn TK, Kim KT, Joshi HP, Park KH, Kyung JW, Choi UY, Sohn S, Sheen SH, Shin DE, Lee SH, Han IB.Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 16;21(12):E4274.

57.  Association of Acute Myocardial Infarction with Seropositive Rheumatoid Arthritis in Korea: A Nationwide Longitudinal Cohort study  Jung-Keun Lee, Hakyung Kim, Je Beom Hong, Seung Hun Sheen, In-bo Han, Seil Sohn J Clin Neurosci.  IF 1.593

56. 3'-UTR Polymorphisms of Vitamin B-Related Genes Are Associated with Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures (OVCFs) in Postmenopausal Women. Ahn TK, Kim JO, An HJ, Park HS, Choi UY, Sohn S, Kim KT, Kim NK, Han IB. Genes (Basel). 2020 Jun 2;11(6):E612. 

55. Induction of osteogenic differentiation in a rat calvarial bone defect model using an In situ forming graphene oxide incorporated glycol chitosan/oxidized hyaluronic acid injectable hydrogel  Sang Jin Lee, Haram Nah, Dong Nyoung Heo, Kyoung-Hwa Kim, Ji Min Seok, Min Heo, Ho-Jin Moon, Donghyun Lee, Jae Seo Lee, Seong Young An, Yu-Shik Hwang, Wan-Kyu Ko, Seong Jun Kim, Seil Sohn, Su A Park, Shin-Young Park, Il Keun Kwon  Carbon   IF 7.466

54. Correction to “Change of Medical burden in Pyogenic and Tuberculous Spondylitis between 2007 and 2016: A Nationwide Cohort Study" Journal: Journal of Clinical Neuroscience Kim YS, Kim JG, Yi J, Choi JM, Chung CK, Choi UY, Han IB, Sohn S. J Clin Neurosci.  2020 Jun 1:S0967-5868(20)30754-2  IF 1.593 

53. CORM-2-Solid Lipid Nanoparticles Maintain Integrity of Blood-Spinal Cord Barrier After Spinal Cord Injury in Rats. Joshi HP, Kumar H, Choi UY, Lim YC, Choi H, Kim J, Kyung JW, Sohn S, Kim KT, Kim JK, Han IB.

Mol Neurobiol. 2020 Apr 16.  IF 4.586

52. Change of Pyogenic and Tuberculous Spondylitis between 2007 and 2016 Year: A Nationwide Study Yeon jee Kim, Je Beom Hong, Yeo Song Kim, Jeeeun Yi, Jung Min Choi, Seil Sohn  Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society IF 1.187

51. Risk of rod fracture according to Cross-link Position in Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy (PSO): A Finite Element Study Je Beom Hong*, Dong Min Sohn*, Tae Hyun Park, Su Heon Woo, Sung Jae Lee, Un Yong Choi, In-bo Han, Chun Kee Chung, Yongjung Jay Kim, Seil Sohn Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2020 Jan 18.  IF 1.593

50. Changes in the medical burden of pyogenic and tuberculous spondylitis between 2007 and 2016: A nationwide cohort study. Kim YS, Kim JG, Yi J, Choi JM, Chung CK, Choi UY, Han IB, Sohn S. J Clin Neurosci. 2020 Jan 14.   IF 1.593

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